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Description: com技术纵横谈-word版-com-word version
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 比较好的VC学习网址-relatively good learning website
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 姜晶 | Hits:

[Documents用Visual C++操纵MS Word

Description: 用Visual C++对WORD进行有关操作-Visual C for the right to operate WORD
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 海天一燕 | Hits:

[ActiveX/DCOM/ATLVC++ ATL为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件

Description: 介绍一种使用VC++ ATL(Active Template Library),利用IDTExtensibility2接口,为Microsoft Word加入功能简单的COM插件(addin),加入工具栏按钮和菜单等可视部件,并为其加入响应事件的方法,并在最后简单说明了实现与Office宏混合编程的方法-A VC ATL (Active Template Library), using IDTExtensibility2 interface for Microsoft Word functional simple plug-COM (addin) accession toolbar buttons and menus, and other visual components, and its accession to respond to the incident, and the final realization of a simple statement with the Office Acer mixed programming method
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 代泽伟 | Hits:

[File Operate在VC中如何将数据导入 Word 中

Description: 如何将数据导入 Word-how the data into Word
Platform: | Size: 204800 | Author: 柯览 | Hits:


Description: 有关于VC操作Word的程序,自动调整图标序号的部分-on VC Word operating procedures, automatic adjustment of serial icon
Platform: | Size: 7045120 | Author: 刘雪 | Hits:

[File Formatvc++(lm)

Description: 一个VC++的课程设计(word文档另附源码),实现密码登录.-a VC Course Design (word document followed by source), the realization of passwords.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 乐心泉 | Hits:


Description: 我们在编写程序,开发软件的过程中如果能利用已有的程序的功能,那么可以大大减轻开发过程中程序员的工作量,同时达到事半功倍的效果。例如在工程中,许多软件需要文字处理功能,虽然MFC提供了一些方法,但是具体实现起来既费事,又有一定的困难,如果我们可以直接使用OFFICE提供的功能,岂不美哉!要实现这一目的,只需要利用微软的ActiveX Automation技术就可以轻松实现。本例主要讲述了自动化的概念,并通过一个操作Word文档的程序来帮助读者朋友理解Visual C++编程中如何实现自动化。 -in programming, software development process if we can make use of existing procedures for the function, Well, we can greatly reduce the process of developing the work of the programmer, to be effective and efficient. For example, in engineering, and many need word processing software function, although with some MFC, But both together to realize the demanding, but also the difficulties, If we can provide direct access OFFICE functions, but it is really true! To achieve this purpose, only need to use Microsoft's ActiveX Automation technology can be easily achieved. The cases mainly on the concept of automation, operating through a Word document procedures to help readers understand Visual C Programming realize how verbization.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 李树永 | Hits:

[Button control20459_testReport

Description: 打印预览控件,功能强大、免费,而且还提供源程序!...这个控件显示旋转的标签,提供了VB、VC、Word等例子。... -print preview control, powerful, free and it also provides source code! ... the rotary controls showed the label of VB, VC, Word as an example. ...
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: mao | Hits:

[Special EffectsVC++111111111111111

Description: VC++与Matlab编程实现对遥感卫星获取得到的二维大地影像三维效果显示的方法.rar -VC and Matlab programming of remote sensing satellites for the two-dimensional geodetic 3D imaging results show that the methods. rarVC and Matlab programming of remote sensing satellites for the two-dimensional images of 3D earth marked effect show method. rar
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: panzhi | Hits:


Description: VC++学习笔记, 这是我收集了很久的了,很好的. 我想会对初学VC++的有一事实上帮助!-VC study notes, this is my collection for a long time. very good. I think that when a VC will have a fact!
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: laiwenhua | Hits:

[File OperateVC++fillwordtable

Description: vc6.0操作word表格,可以用做数据库查询结果的输出.-vc6.0 operation word forms can be used as database query results output.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 李平强 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsVC++word

Description: 此代码可在vc++环境下写五颜六色的三维汉字-this code in vc environment write Chinese characters colorful 3D
Platform: | Size: 1311744 | Author: 杨小军 | Hits:


Description: VC++ 通过WORD 实现数据报表设计-VC data through WORD statements Design
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: 叶潞灵 | Hits:


Description: VC++6.0数据库高级编程,word完整电子版,从基础到高级,附实例解说。 -High VC 6.0 database programming, a complete electronic version of word, from basic to advanced, the report illustrated.
Platform: | Size: 3511296 | Author: | Hits:

[Special EffectsVC+DirectShowShiPingTuPianChuLi

Description: VC+DirectShow对视频进行图片处理效果演示程序。软件平台:操作系统为Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP(推荐使用Windows 2000/XP),调试环境为Visual C++ 6.0及其以上版本(如果不做说明,则默认为Visual C++ 6.0)-VC+ DirectShow video picture of the treatment effect of demo program. Software platform: the operating system for Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP (recommended Windows 2000/XP), debugging environment for Visual C++ 6.0 and above (if not explain, the default for Visual C++ 6.0)
Platform: | Size: 336896 | Author: Kaweh | Hits:

[assembly languagevc++1

Description: VC 源代码 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- dswRename_src.zip   一个可以重命名workspace的程序。 simplecomserver_src.zip   演示了如何生成一个COM组件。 consolePipe_src.zip consolePipe_demo.zip   用图形界面的程序装载控制台程序并接收控制台程序的输出。 TiffToPDF_src.zip sampleimage.zip   将tiff转换成PDF的源程序。 SimpleWordPad.zip   简单字处理程序。 Gamma_Manager_src.zip Gamma_Manager_demo.zip   调节灰度的滑动条的类。 smpplib.zip   一个SMPP类库可以用来连接SMPP网关来发送和接收SMS消息。 ColorFont_src.zip   使用CColorDialog类轻松改变对话框背景颜色和字体。 benBro107.zip benbro.zip   一个基于IE的浏览器,使用了多文档界面的标签,IE界面和XP的工具条等。 PictureZoom_src.zip PictureZoom_demo.zip    一个C++ OCX控件可以在你应用程序的窗口上绘制图片。
Platform: | Size: 668672 | Author: 章海 | Hits:

[Windows Developword

Description: vc写word,word2003导出的头文件-vc written word, word2003 exported header files
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: zen | Hits:


Description: word版 vc++程序设计 出版社原始高 完整 -word version vc++ programming original publishers of high integrity
Platform: | Size: 783360 | Author: 李平 | Hits:


Description: 通过VC调用Word进行报告填写,可以方便实现自动报告的生成-Word through the VC call to report to fill, it will be convenient for automatic report generation
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 王晶 | Hits:
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